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Age Calculator

This Age Calculator helps to quickly find your age by date of birth in years, months, days, and more, along with your birth day, zodiac sign, and next birthday countdown.

Age Calculator



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Age Calculator

This Age Calculator allows users to calculate the age by date of birth and a reference date (such as today). It provides multiple ways to display the result, including:

  1. Age in Years, Months, and Days – Shows your age in a detailed format.
  2. Total Age in Months and Days – Gives the total number of months and remaining days.
  3. Age in Weeks and Days – Calculates how many weeks and days you have lived.
  4. Age in Total Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds – Offers a more granular view of your age in terms of total days and smaller units.
  5. Next Birthday Countdown – Displays how many days are left until your next birthday, along with the exact date of the next birthday.
  6. Calendar for Birthday, Today – Shows the calendar of your date of birth and the date for finding age.

Additionally, the calculator also shows:

  1. Day of the Week you were born on (e.g., “Monday”).
  2. Your Zodiac Sign based on your birthdate (e.g., “Gemini”).

The calculation is dynamic and updates automatically as you select your birthdate and reference date. The result is displayed in an interactive format, with clear and concise breakdowns of your age.

How it Works:

  1. Enter Your Birthdate: The first step is to input your date of birth into the designated fields for day, month, and year.
  2. Instant Calculation: Once your birthdate is entered, the calculator will immediately calculate your age in various formats, such as years, months, days, and even hours, minutes, and seconds.
  3. Get Results: The tool will display your exact age based on the current date, providing you with your full age breakdown in an easily digestible format.


Let’s say you were born on July 5th, 1990 and want to know your exact age on February 7th, 2025.

  1. Input the Birthdate:
    • Day: 5
    • Month: July (7)
    • Year: 1990
  2. Current Date:
    • Day: 7
    • Month: February (2)
    • Year: 2025
  3. Age Calculation: From July 5th, 1990, to February 7th, 2025:
    • Years: 34 years
    • Months: 7 months
    • Days: 2 days

Thus, you would be 34 years, 7 months, and 2 days old on February 7th, 2025.

How to Use the Calculator for my child or others?

If you’re calculating someone else’s age, simply input their birthdate in the same format, and the calculator will return their exact age for any given date.

How to Calculate Age: A Step-by-Step Guide

Calculating age is straightforward when you know the basic concept behind it. The process involves determining the difference between two dates: the person's birthdate and the current date. Here’s a detailed guide on how to calculate age manually:


To calculate age manually, the general formula is:

Age = Current Year - Birth Year

However, this basic formula doesn’t account for whether the person has had their birthday yet in the current year. To be more precise, we need to break the calculation down further.

Step-by-Step Calculation Method:

1. Start with the Year Difference:

Begin by subtracting the birth year from the current year.

Years Difference = Current Year - Birth Year

Example: If today is February 7th, 2025, and the person’s birthday is July 5th, 1990:

2025 - 1990 = 35 years

So, they are at least 35 years old.

2. Adjust for Whether the Birthday Has Passed This Year:

Next, you need to check whether the person has had their birthday yet this year. To do this, compare the current month and day with the birth month and day.

  • If the current date is before the person’s birthday in the current year (i.e., the birthday hasn't occurred yet), subtract 1 year from the result.
  • If the current date is on or after the birthday, keep the age as is.

Example: If the person’s birthday is July 5th, and today is February 7th, their birthday hasn't occurred yet in 2025. Therefore, subtract 1 year from the initial calculation.

35 years - 1 = 34 years

3. Calculate Months (if needed):

If you want to get the person's exact age in months, subtract the birth month from the current month. Then, account for whether the person has already celebrated their birthday this year.

Example: The current date is February 7th, and the birth month is July:

Months Difference = Current Month - Birth Month = 2 (February) - 7 (July)

Since the birthday has not yet occurred, subtract 1 from the months difference:

2 - 7 = -5 months → 12 - 5 = 7 months

Thus, the person will be 34 years and 7 months old on February 7th, 2025.

4. Calculate Days (if needed):

If you want even more precision, you can calculate the exact number of days. To do this, you need to find the exact difference in days between the birthdate and the current date. This requires:

  • Calculating the number of days in the months between the two dates.
  • Accounting for leap years if necessary.

Example: From July 5, 1990 to February 7, 2025:

  • From July 5, 1990, to July 5, 2024, is 34 years.
  • From July 5, 2024, to February 7, 2025, is 7 months and 2 days.

Final Calculation Example:

For the date February 7, 2025, if someone was born on July 5, 1990, they would be:

  • 34 years,
  • 7 months,
  • and 2 days old.


To calculate age:

  1. Subtract the birth year from the current year.
  2. Adjust for whether the birthday has occurred yet this year.
  3. (Optional) Calculate the exact number of months and days for even more precise results.

This method can be applied manually or with tools like the Age Calculator, which automates the process and gives you an instant result.
